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Working holiday makers net income worksheet (whm)


The working holiday maker net income worksheet is completed at item A4 in the Individual return. Integration to this worksheet is from Foreign or Australian PAYG Payment Summaries with the Code H, entered at Item 1 - Salary or wages.

Click the label to open the worksheet. Enter any work-related deductions at items D1 to D10 that directly relate to earning working holiday maker income.

Tax at the special whm rate is calculated on the net income amount entered at A4, label D.

For income earned in 2019 – 2020 and earlier income years:

  • Amounts at A4 label D up to $37,000 attract tax at the rate of 15%.

  • Amounts greater than $37,000 attract tax at standard non-resident rates commencing at 32.5%.

For income earned in 2020 – 2021 and later income years:

  • Amounts at A4 label D up to $45,000 attract tax at the rate of 15%.

  • Amounts greater than $45,000 attract tax at standard non-resident rates commencing at 32.5%.

Learn more.

To complete the worksheet
  1. Enter the whm income at Item 1 - Salary or Wages.

  2. Click any of the labels Labels C, D, E, F, and G to open theSalary or wages payment summary(egc)
  3. Complete the salary and wages payment summary.

  4. Answer the Visa question:

    The ATO has data matching records for 417 and 462 working holiday visa recipients. MYOB does not; therefore, it is important that you answer the WHM Visa question.

  5. Enter the payer, tax withheld, and income details.

  6. The amounts will transfer to Item 1. The type H will be automatically pre-populated.

  7. Enter any D1 to D10 expenses.

  8. Go to item A4 and click label D.

  9. The rules are contained in the information box below the header.

  10. Enter any part of the D1 to D10 work-related expenses you have claimed at D1 to D10 that relate to earning the eligible WHM income.

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