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Add/Edit Status Levels

Accountants Enterprise only

A return's status can be used to report on it at various stages of preparation and to monitor lodgment.

Select Maintenance > Status will be available if you have selected Status Level Monitoring in the Control Record > Lodgment Tab.

For income tax return types (I, P, T, C, F) the method of lodgment monitoring selected in the Control Record > Lodgment Tab is applied to the main return and any ELS lodged schedules associated with that return.

All returns other than main returns are monitored using Simple Lodgment Control (that is lodged, sent for signature, not lodged).

As a return proceeds through the work flow, its status changes. Changes in the status of a return must be updated by the user. The routine to update the status of returns varies depending on the type of lodgment monitoring selected in Control Record.

There are different levels of lodgment monitoring ranging from the simple to more detailed. There are two types of lodgment monitoring which require the user to update the status of returns:

  • Simple Lodgment Control

  • Monitoring using Status levels

  • Tax Tracking

How to add and edit the Status of a Return

If the Monitor Using Status Levels method of lodgment monitoring has been selected on the Control record you can add and edit the status thatmay be applied to a return:

  1. Click Maintenance > Status. The index of Status levels opens.

  2. Click New. The Add/Edit Status screen opens.

  3. Complete the details that describe this Status:

    1. Status code: This code is unique for each status level as defined by your practice. For example:
      Status Code 1: Information received
      Status Code 2: Accountant processing
      Status Code 3: Sent to client for signature
      Status Code 4: Lodged
      Status Code 5: Assessment received
      Status Code 6: Objection lodged
    2. Lodged?: Tick this checkbox to indicate that Tax will treat the return as lodged when this status is applied to it. For more information, refer to Amending Lodged Returns.
    3. Sent for signature?: Tick this checkbox to indicate that Tax will treat the return as sent for signature when this status is applied to it.
    4. Description: Enter a brief description of the status level.
  4. Click OK to save the information and exit.
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