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Details for Individual/Employee

Accountants Enterprise only

Gender: Enter [M] for male or [F] for female. The [F10] button will pull down the selection list.

Title: A ten alpha character field, enter the title to be used for this name, for example, Mr, Ms. Press [F10] (or select the ellipse button) for a pick-list of options and select one by focusing on that option and press [Enter].

Given names: Enter the given names of this contact; up to sixty alpha characters available.

Surname: Enter the surname of this contact; up to sixty alpha characters available.

Salutation: This information defaults from the previous fields you entered but can be edited if necessary; up to fifty alpha characters are available.

Date of birth: Enter the date of birth of the contact in the format DD-MM-CCYY. For example, you may enter the first day this contact record became active.

Place: Enter the place this contact was born. Press [Enter] to bypass this field if you wish.

Occupation: Enter the occupation of the contact; up to sixty alpha characters are available.

IF: You are working in the Details for Employee window, you will notice one additional field and one different field.

Category: Enter the type of employee, or category they belong to. Press [F10] to display a pick-list of the following options; partner, manager, staff and clerk and select one by focusing on that option and press [Enter].

Job description: Enter the job description the employee occupies in the practice; up to sixty alpha characters are available.

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