Edit Letter Writing Definition
AE Tax only
This window allows you to edit a letter writing variable to suit your requirements.
Type: Enter the type of data that you wish to define. Click [F10] or select the sort direction icon to open the list of options; addresses, relations, numbers, names and sort views
Code: A ten character alpha field; enter the code type for the field that you are defining. Click [F10] or click the ellipse to open a list of options. If for example you chose an address type, the Select Address Entry table opens for you to select an address. Highlight the item required, and click Select or [Enter].
The list or table that displays depends upon the type of data selected in the previous field. For example, if you selected addresses in the previous field, click [F10] in the Code field to display a list of address type codes.
Field: Enter the one-letter code for the field that you are defining. For example, to define an address, click [F10] to display a list of options. Here you can select from say, the C/- token, the addressee, and lines 1 to 4 of the address.
Use default address if not found: If you select this checkbox, the default address defined in the control record will be used when printing letters/labels for a particular contact if the current address is not found. For example, if you are printing letters/labels for contacts, and you are using the alternate address for all of them, if a contact does not have an alternate name, it will use the address you defined in the control record. Select this checkbox only if you wish to use the default address you defined in the control record as a replacement for the address you are currently adding. An * will display next to the address on the index when this option has been used.