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Exception Report

Below is a list of possible messages on an exception report and what they mean.

  • Different Address: Under the heading RA on your client list, the code 'R' denotes that the ATO has recorded that the taxpayer's Current Postal Address on the taxpayer's Front Cover does not exactly match your postal address in the Control Record - this may simply indicate the taxpayer's residential address is being used.

  • The Exception report will display 'different address' if:

    • The Client List does not have an 'R', and the addresses are different, or

    • The Client List does have an 'R' and the addresses are the same.

  • Different Level: Is displayed if the ATO level in the Return Properties > PAYG/Lodge tab differs from that on the Client List.

  • Different Financial Year: Is displayed if the accounting year for the return is different to that on the Client List.

  • Different ATO: Is displayed if the ATO branch on the return is different to that on the Client List.

  • Different Name: Is displayed if the return name is different to that on the Client List. An exception is not reported if the Client List has initials only and Tax has the full name, or vice versa.
    To avoid reporting exceptions where the only difference is in the client name select Exclude name differences on the Client Reporting Sort Options. The default for this option is 'on', therefore if you wish to have name differences reported, you need to turn off the option.

  • Different Final Due Date: Is displayed if the Due Date of the return is different to that on the Client List.

  • Different Lodgment Status: Is displayed if the return has a status of lodged in Tax but the Client List has return as being Not Lodged, and vice versa.

  • Different Company or Fund Classification: Is displayed if the company classification of the return is different to that on the Client List. This only applies to companies and Super funds.

  • Different Last Year Lodged: is displayed if:

    • Client list has last year lodged before the current year and the return has status of lodged in the current year Tax ledger.

    • Client List has last year lodged as the current year but the return has status of not lodged in the current year Tax ledger.

  • Different Agent Code: Is displayed if you requested a Client List for one agent and when the exception report was run, the return in your Tax ledger had a different agent reference number.

  • Return Not Found in Ledger: Is displayed if a return is on the Client List but not in your current Tax ledger.

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