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Exceptions Report

Not available in Accountants Office

An Exception Report is offered to be previewed or printed following the preparation of a Tax Estimate. During that calculation the system may detect inconsistencies in the data entered and as it finds these inconsistencies, it builds up the report.

To print an exceptions report click Reports > Exceptions Report. And select to Preview or Print.

This report is continuous in that if you do not choose to clear it for this particular estimate, it will maintain itself and add all additional estimate anomalies it finds.

The Exceptions Report routine lists the details relating to each calculation performed and explains which data entry area(s) may be deficient or illogical under current tax legislation. Such anomalies in calculations may lead to an incorrect tax calculation.

After selecting this option, the Output Selection screen opens. Select the printing options for this report.

The system checks each calculation, and if it finds anomalies, will include it in the exceptions report. Messages available in the report are:

  • PP averaging does not apply.

  • Second year taxable income for averaging must be greater than the first.

  • Superannuation contributions cannot create or add to a loss.

  • Gifts cannot create or add to loss.

  • Amount claimed for spouse and sole parent rebate exceeds the maximum allowed.

  • Both spouse and housekeeper rebate claimed. Is this correct?

If the report is printed to screen, Preview options are displayed on each page.
On exiting the report, you are given the opportunity to delete the exceptions report.

Every time a calculation is performed, the system checks for anomalies such as those detailed above. If any are found, you are prompted to view the Exceptions Report at the end of the calculation (alternatively this can be viewed from the menu options).

If a range or batch of calculations is being printed and the system finds anomalies, the prompt to view the Exception Report is displayed at the conclusion of the range or batch print.

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