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Font Styles Tab

The Font Styles window allows you to associate True Type and built in printer fonts with font list entries. Each font list is specific to a nominated page setup. You can store up to fifteen different font and size combinations for each page setup.

To access the Font Styles tab
  1. From the Page setup window, highlight the page setup in the list.

  2. Click Properties to open the Page setup properties window.

  3. Click the Font styles tab.

The fields on the Fonts tab are:

  • ID: The IDs assist you to organise the font styles. The menu provides cut, copy, paste, insert, delete and clear.

  • Title: The Title column descriptions display in any drop down list used for font selection. For example, ‘Arial 10’ or ‘Heading 1’.

  • Font name: The Font Name displays the printer font to be used for the type of line or heading.

To select a font, click into the line and click the ellipsis, select a font and click OK. The Font name is shown.

  • Size: The Size column is the point size.

To change the size, click the down arrow select from the list.

To insert a line in the list of styles
  1. From the Font styles tab, click on the ID field and select Insert from the menu.
  2. Enter the required Title description.
  3. To move to the Font name column, click [Tab].
  4. Click the ellipsis to open the Font window.
  5. Select the required font and click OK. The new entry is displayed in the Font Name column.
  6. To move to the Size field, click [Tab].
  7. Click the arrow for a list of sizes from which to choose.
  8. Click OK to save the new styles and close the Page setup properties window.
To delete a font
  1. From the Font styles tab, click on the ID of the line you wish to delete.
  2. Select Delete from the menu.
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