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See Item A1 - Under 18 (including HECS-HELP/TSL/SSL & ABSTUDY SSL/SFSS loan debts) on how to complete the label.

Not available in Accountants Office

These values on this dialog are used for calculating the HECS-HELP-TSL and/or SFSS Loan repayment amounts.

Outstanding HECS or TSL Debt: Enter the amount of the outstanding accumulated HECS-HELP debt as detailed on the taxpayer's HECS-HELP statement. The Calculator will test the taxable income against the current HECS-HELP threshold and where the taxable income is above the threshold amount will calculate the repayment amount according to the applicable repayment percentage. If there is an outstanding HECS debt and a TSL debt, the TSL debt is not repaid until the HECS debt has been fully paid.

Assessment Debt: The amount of the calculated assessment debt and will be included in the estimate of tax payable.

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