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How to Add a New Alias

Accountants Enterprise only

According to the User Account details a user is able to access application ledgers. By setting up an Alias, a user may be provided with access to different ledgers or with different security level.

For example, your System Administrator may be on leave and so an alias can be setup for another user with rights sufficient to administer the required ledgers.

To add a new alias
  1. From the Navigation bar, click Administration > User Accounts to open the User Accounts window.

  2. Double-click the required user to open the User properties window.

  3. Click the Alias tab.

  4. Click New to open the Alias Properties window.

  5. At the Ledgers field click the ellipsis to open the Select Folder window.

  6. Highlight a folder in the list, for example TAX, and click [Select].

  7. Highlight a ledger in the list, for example Tax2010, and click [Select].

  8. The names of the Folder and Ledger are displayed in Alias Properties window.

  9. Enter a code in the Access As field, if you want to the alias to show separately from the user in the Event Log.

  10. Enter the required security level in the Security Level field.

  11. Click OK to confirm the alias details.

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