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How to Copy a Ledger

Accountants Enterprise only

You are able to copy application ledgers between folders. There are two options available depending on the item selected:

  • Where a Shortcut is selected, the copy routine creates a link to another location; the source data remains in the original location. That is, only one copy of the ledger exists.

  • Where an Item is selected, this copy routine duplicates the data so another copy is available in the target folder that you have chosen. Simply right click on a ledger and select Copy then step through the Copy Wizard.

The target folder cannot be the same as the source folder.

To copy a ledger shortcut
  1. In the Ledgers window, highlight the ledger shortcut you want to copy.

  2. Right click on the ledger shortcut and click Copy. The Ledger Copy Wizard opens.

  3. Click Next to open the Confirm Operation screen.

  4. Select Just copy the shortcut and click Next to open the Select destination folder window.

  5. Highlight the folder to which the shortcut is to be copied and click Next. The Completing the Ledger Copy Wizard window opens.

  6. Click Finish to complete the copying the ledger shortcut.

When copying a shortcut, ledger data files are NOT copied to the selected destination.

To copy a ledger item
  1. In the Folders window, highlight the ledger you want to copy.

  2. Right click on the ledger and click Copy. The Ledger Copy Wizard opens.

  3. Click Next to open the Select source ledgers window.

  4. From the Ledgers chosen, select to copy:

    • the selected ledger,

    • related ledgers

    • all ledgers in the folder or

    • custom.

  5. Click Next to open the Select destination folder window.

  6. Highlight the target folder and click Next to open the Completing the Ledger Copy Wizard window.

  7. Click Finish to complete the copy ledger process. On completion, the ledger list displays.

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