You cannot enter information directly at these labels . Both the income amounts and any tax withheld amounts will filter through to the relevant labels in the return:
G, H, J and A at item 14, and
M, N, O at item P1
Label G - Tax withheld - voluntary agreement
Did the taxpayer receive personal services income from which tax was withheld under a voluntary agreement?
Click label G to open the Business Income statements and payment summaries (bip)
Income type P, and
Payment type 003.
If you use the Business income and deductions worksheet (Schedule B), you must enter again in Schedule B the same amounts as entered in the bip
Label H - Tax withheld where ABN not quoted (PSI)
Did the taxpayer receive personal services income from which tax was withheld where no ABN was quoted?
Click label H to open the Business Income statements and payment summaries (bip) (PS)
Income type P, and
Payment type 012.
If you use the Business income and deductions worksheet (Schedule B), you must enter again in Schedule B the same amounts as entered in the bip.
Label J - Tax withheld - labour hire or other specified payments (PSI)
Did the taxpayer receive personal services income from which tax was withheld under a labour hire arrangement or other specified payments?
Click label J to open the Business Income statements and payment summaries (bip)
Income type P, and
Payment type 001.
If you use the Business income and deductions worksheet (Schedule B), you must enter again in Schedule B the same amounts as entered in the bip.
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