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List Entries Missing Return

Accountants Enterprise only

This report may be used to identify transactions which do not belong to a Return Code. This can occur where the Code in Taxation Preparation has been edited but has not been changed in Tax Tracking.

To produce a List Entries missing Return report
  1. Select Reports > List Entries missing Return ... .The Exception Report dialog opens.
  2. Choose the date range for this report using the Date range from and To fields. The format for the date field is dd/mm/ccyy.
  3. The default layout for the report is List Steps of Non Existing Return Codes. Another layout can be chosen by clicking the ellipsis and choosing from the list in the Select Letter dialog.
  4. Ticking the Summary checkbox to report one entry per Return Code.
  5. Click OK to continue to the Print dialog.
  6. From the Print dialog choose whether to Preview, Print, or send the report to Disk.
  7. The Record Selection dialog allows for further selection criteria to be entered. Select a Sequence type from the options and then click Edit to define the parameters.
  8. Click OK to finalise the report
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