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Not available in Accountants Office

A mask is a sorting device, defined by the user, for the purpose of sorting a group of letters or items with common features from your ledger.


If you enter the characters [A*], all those items with codes beginning with A will be included. An * and ? can be used when extracting information. The ? substitutes a character where as the * substitutes all characters after the selection. For example, if you enter the characters [??A*], all those items with an A in the third position of the code will print.

The characters that may be used when entering a mask are:





an asterisk signifies 0 or more characters in that position


a question mark signifies one character must be in that position


the minus sign provides a reverse mask, that is, everything in the range except those with the mask will be included


the pipe symbol means "or" which may be used when sorting with more than one sort key


the tilde symbol means "and" which may be used when sorting with more than one sort key

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