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Page Layout Tab

The Page Layout tab specifies the manner in which reports print when this page setup is selected.

To access the Page Layout tab
  1. From the Page setup window, highlight the required page setup.

  2. Click Properties to open the Page setup properties window.

  3. Click the Page layout tab.

Fields on the Page Layout tab are:

  • Margins: Margins are the distance from each edge of the printed page. This usually excludes non-printable areas applicable to some laser printers. The standard margins (top, bottom, left, right) is 10mm.

  • Page scaling: The scaling factor represents how the sizes of characters in a printed report are altered in relation to the physical page size.
    The formulae for calculating the scaling factor are:

    • Font height in points equals the scaling factor divided by 10

    • Column spacing in number per inch equals 120 divided by the font height.

  • A scaling factor of 100% produces characters 10 points in height and the report’s columns are spaced at 12 per inch.

    A greater scaling factor produces characters greater in height with report columns further apart. As such lines may need to wrap and to compensate the report design may need to change.

    The scaling factor also determines the effective number of lines per page. This is based upon the standard spacing for the font point size selected by the scaling factor.

  • No. of copies: Indicates the number of copies for each printed page. Enter the required number of pages.

  • Portrait or Landscape: These radio buttons select the direction of printing on the page.

  • Windows native or DOS emulation: The default mode of printing is Windows native. Windows native ensures maximum functionality and compatibility between applications and printers.
    Windows native mode of printing attempts to replicate the same output irrespective of printer capability.
    DOS emulation attempts to duplicate the way a report is produced in DOS. Some of the fields in the Page layout window that change to match DOS settings are paper type, pitch and lines per inch fields.

  • Base font: This is the default font used for printing. Click the ellipsis to select from the list of Fonts available.

  • Size: This is the point size of the base font. You can enter the point size or click the arrow and select from the list available.

  • Style: The Style of the base font. You may click the arrow to select from the list available.

  • Column underlines: Select the radio button to determine whether columns have single thick or double underlining.

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