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Searching a list

Selection lists comprise a numeric code column and an alpha details column.

You can search for an entry in the list by code or details. Remember the search facility is case-sensitive and there is no Find button.

To locate a classification or industry code using partial details
  1. Click on the column headed Details, to list the entries in ascending order.

  2. Click into the Details column.

  3. Begin typing as much of the description as you know and press [Enter].

    What you type must match the entry in the list exactly from the beginning and taking into account upper and lower case letters.

  4. Scroll down through the entries to locate the one you require.
  5. Click Select to transfer the code and related details to the return.

To locate a classification or industry code using a partial code
  1. Click on the column headed Code, until you are sure the entries are in ascending order.

  2. Click into the Code column.

  3. Type as much of the code as you know and press [Enter]

  4. Scroll down through the entries to locate the one you require.

  5. Click Select to transfer the code and related details to the return.

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