Sort View Import
Accountants Enterprise only
Before you import any sort views, make sure the ASCII file from which you are importing conforms to the required format.
Import from file: If the ASCII file from which you are importing is located in the same directory as Central Database, type in the drive, directory and name of the file. If the ASCII file from which you are importing is not in the same directory as Central Database, you need to type in the file server, volume, directory and file name for the import to succeed. If you do not know the details exactly, click OK and browse to the file. You will need to nominate the file name, the folder the file is stored in, the drive the file is stored in and the type of file (eg: TXT, RTF etc). Refer to Importing ASCII File for Sort Views.
There are 3 checkboxes in Sort View Import:
Add sort view table if not found: Select this checkbox to ensure that Central Database adds the sort view item you are importing to the sort view table (in the Maintenance menu) before attaching the sort view values to the contacts in your database. In the example above, if Central Database does not find a sort view called FEES in the sort view table, it creates a sort view called FEES at the beginning of the import routine.
Confirm sort view table addition: This checkbox is deactivated if you did not select the previous checkbox. Selecting this checkbox means the addition of a new sort view will be confirmed. If you select Yes to add the sort view table all sort views will be attached to the relevant contacts. If you select No to add the sort view table the sort views for this code will not be attached to the relevant contacts.
Modify value if already attached: If the sort view you are adding to Central Database has an existing value, it will be updated to match the value you have entered in the ASCII file from which you are importing.