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Viewing Shortcut Properties

Accountants Enterprise only

You are able to view and, depending on your security level, edit details associated with each shortcut.

To view shortcut properties
  1. From the Folder listing, highlight the required shortcut.

  2. Right click on the shortcut and click Properties to open the Shortcut properties window.
    The table below outlines the fields available in this window:



    General tab


    Displays the Reference ID for the selected shortcut.


    Displays the application type for the selected shortcut.


    The system maintains a generation number for each application ledger known to the system. This number increments after each backup.


    Displays the name of the selected shortcut.


    Displays the folder of the item to which this is a shortcut.


    Displays the ledger's name to which this is a shortcut.

    Use origin masters

    The Use origin masters option applies to ledgers.

    When a value is set (default), it indicates to the system that the master files are located according to the Masters setting for the destination folder.

    If no value is set, it indicates that the master files are located according to the Masters setting for the folder in which the shortcut resides. Effectively this overrides the master file location.

    It should be rare to make use of this facility. One example would be where a user wishes to create or edit new Master Freeform or Letters while using a normal client ledger for testing, but not using the standard practice master files.

    Inherit name

    When a value is set (default) it indicates that the system should inherit the name property from the destination item, and to operate as per general features listed above.

    When no value is set, the name becomes a property of the shortcut and ceases to track the destination item name. Effectively, this allows an alias name to be used.

    This may indicate some specific property of the shortcut (for example, ABC Manufacturing – Draft Reports). Another use is to force a specific ordering of items in a folder where contents are sorted by name.

    Properties button

    This button presents the original item’s properties.

    Options tab

    Page Setup

    Displays the default page setup for this shortcut.

    Note that a page setup selected here overrides both the page setup the defined as the user's default or defined in the application template by the system administrator.


    Use this option under the guidance of MYOB Support.

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