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Using MYOB AE/AO Tax 2024

Here's some helpful topics to get you started

Welcome to the Accountants Enterprise (AE) and Accountants Office (AO) Tax Help.

If you're not already on the latest version of Tax, you can download the release and the installation guide from the my.myob website.

To check your version of Tax, open any tax return in the latest Tax year available to you. From within the return, follow the menu path Help > About and note the Version number.

Once you're installed and ready to go, you may want to set up your Tax Agent and Lodgment details. Here's some helpful topics to get you started:

For information on...

Refer to...

Navigating in Tax

Navigating in Tax

Finding Tax returns and forms

Tax Client - Search

Setting up your agent details, Lodgment, Security and more

Setting up Tax

Practitioner Lodgment Service (PLS)

Practitioner lodgment service (PLS)

Entering data into a Tax return

Income tax returns

Preparing and completing tax forms and schedules

Completing forms and schedules

Reports available from the Reports menu

Reporting from Tax

Entering your client's tax details and preferences

Customising Return Properties

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