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Clawback worksheet

To open this worksheet press [Enter] on the R&D tax incentive schedule Part C Clawback - R&D recoupment tax item 1 Recoupment(s) - (entitled to/received).

A clawback adjustment will apply if you have claimed the R&D tax incentive and you have received, or become entitled to receive, a government recoupment (such as a government grant or reimbursement) that relates to expenditure where you have claimed a notional deduction under the R&D tax incentive. The government recoupment may be from either an Australian Government agency or a State/Territory body (STB).

Under subdivision 355-G of the ITAA 1997, the income tax you are liable to pay on the recoupment will be increased. This is referred to as a clawback adjustment and is recorded at label M R&D recoupment tax on the Company tax return Calculation Statement.

If a clawback adjustment applies, you may find useful information in Part C - Clawback - R&D recoupment tax in the Research and development tax incentive: schedule and instructions. Refer to Research and development tax incentive on the ATO website for information and downloadable copies of the guides and fact sheets.

Only complete this item if you have received a government recoupment during the income year that relates to an amount you have notionally deducted at Part A - Calculation of notional R&D deduction on the Research and development tax incentive schedule.

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