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Exclude tax returns from roll-over

The returns that are not to be rolled forward into the new ledger, such as returns for clients for whom you no longer act, need to be flagged in the current Tax ledger. These returns will remain intact in the current and any other prior year ledgers.

This step is important for the accuracy of any statistical reporting that the Practice might do, particularly the Lodgment Monitoring program.

To help you identify tax returns to exclude from rollover, you might want to print a list of current year returns for closed clients. Identifying closed clients' tax returns to exclude from rollover.

It is important to note that you do not have to Exclude from Rollover returns that have not been completed and lodged in the current ledger, nor do you have to flag returns that were marked as Final on the front cover of any return.

The Exclude from Rollover checkbox is contained in Return Properties > PAYG/Lodge under the Current Year section of the dialog.

This process can be carried out on a one-by-one basis or can be done in a batch using the Bulk Return edit routine. The Bulk Return edit routine is by far the most time-saving method and the procedure is as follows:

To use the Bulk Return edit routine
  1. Click Maintenance > Bulk Return edit.

  2. At the Return area to change field, click the ellipsis button.

  3. Highlight Exclude from rollover and click Select.

  4. Select Batch.

  5. Deselect Edit individually and select Override all (to apply the change to each selected return).

  6. Click OK at the warning message dialog.

  7. Click OK at the Bulk Edit return main window. The Select Returns for Update index of all returns on the system is opened.

  8. Highlight and select each return to be excluded. A green tick will be displayed in the left-hand column and each return with a green tick will be included in the Batch.

    Hint: If you have sorted by Return Code, start typing the code and click [Enter] and a matching return will be located. Alternatively, sort by TFN, and start keying the TFN, with or without spaces, and click [Enter].

  9. Click OK. The Edit Rollover flag window opens.

  10. Tick the Exclude from Rollover checkbox. The program will tick the checkbox in the Return Properties > PAYG/Lodge tab of each of the returns in the batch.

    Tax returns for any new client added to the immediate prior year ledger, after that ledger has been rolled into the new current year, will not be included in the current ledger and you will need to create the client and the return manually. Once you do this, the RSD (retain schedule data) menu opens to roll details from the immediate prior year into the current year.

    Likewise, if you create a new return in a ledger for any earlier year, you must recreate it in each year chronologically up to and including the current.

To preview a Report on Returns Excluded from Rollover
  1. Click Reports > Flexi Report to open the Flexi Report Layouts index.

  2. If you have previously created your own Flexi Report layout for this report, select it. If not, select the Tax default report Flexi from the index.

    Do not click OK until you have made all selections for any of Sorting; Layout; Range; Selection; and Filters as required.

  3. Click the Properties button.

  4. At the Flexi Report window if you want other than the last Page Setup selected, select a different Page Setup from the list and click OK.

  5. If you have flagged returns that are dealt with by different Partners, Managers, Employees or Agents and these have been established in the Staff tab of the Return Properties of the returns, and you wish to report separately by those staff definitions, you will need to change the sort sequence. Alternatively accept the Primary sort sequence default and all the returns so flagged will be included in a continuous report.

    To sort by any of the Staff categories mentioned above, click the Sorting tab and then select Secondary sequence.

  6. Click the Selection tab and select Yes at the Exclude from rollover? field.

  7. Click OK, and then click Preview button. The sequence Record Selection window opens.

  8. Select the Sort Sequence for the report. The Primary sequence is by Return code; the Secondary sequence is by a Staff Code; and the Tertiary sequence offers other miscellaneous sort sequences for the layout of the report.

  9. Accept the Range default of First to Last by clicking OK.

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