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Member Information Details worksheet (xF)


The Tax worksheet xF is designed to capture the SMSF Member details of each member.

There are

  • Six (6) Member Statements (Section F) and
  • Six (6) Supplementary Member Statements (Section G)
Sections of the annual returnYou need to report
Section F
  • ALL current members at 30 June and
  • Former members who were paid a benefit (i.e. a lump sum or income stream, but not a rollover) during the income year. You'll also need to include members for whom no contributions were received.
Section G
  • deceased members as date of death is available only in the section,
  • any overflow that can't go in Section F
  • under any circumstances where there are more than 4 members.
    For example, there are four members at 1 July 2017. One member leaves on 1 May 2018 and is paid all entitlements as a lump sum benefit on that date, and another member is admitted on 1 June 2018 and contributions are received for them in June 2018.

The SMSF has an obligation to report for all five members and so includes the former member at section G.

You do not need to report for former members who had a balance at any time during 2017-18 and this was exhausted during the year without payment of any benefits to the member, for example by rolling over their entire benefit to another fund (complete a Rollover benefits statement).

Using this information, ATO can

  • Determine and pay entitlements to super co-contributions for eligible members. 
  • Make assessments of excess contributions tax when members exceed their contributions caps.
  • Check for superannuation guarantee compliance.
Completing the labels

Name and Title

Title, Family and given namesEnter the name of the member being reported as previously notified to the ATO. You may need the most recent individual Notice of Assessment if uncertain of the correct name.
Member's TFN

Enter the member’s TFN. For SMSFs lodged via PLS, the TFN is mandatory. The TFN must be that of the member and must be valid.

Be careful to insert the member's TFN, not the SMSF TFN or a tax agent number (TAN).

Date of Birth

Enter the member’s date of birth. This is a mandatory label and must be completed for each member being reported.

If you enter a date of birth for the Member but do not enter a TFN, On [F3] validation a warning will be generated: “Not quoting a TFN for a member will result in delays in processing at the ATO and may result in excess contributions tax being raised or a Super Co-contribution being disallowed.”

If deceased, date of death (supplementary member only)

If a member died during the current income year, enter the date of their death in this field and complete the member's account details.

If you enter a date of death for the member that is in a previous year:

On [F3] validation a warning will be generated: “You only need to report on the deceased member if a financial interest continued to be held for the benefit of the deceased at 30 June of the current income year. If this is not the case, delete the deceased member record.


Tax does not roll over deceased member records, therefore this message would only be generated if in the current year, the preparer recreated the deceased member record.

Make sure you classify contributions correctly so that they are counted against the correct contributions cap and co-contribution eligibility.

For the Commissioner's view on the meaning of "contribution", how a "contribution" can be made, and when a contribution is made, refer to Taxation Ruling TR 2010/1 - Income Tax: superannuation contributions.

Labels A to M

All amounts shown at contribution labels A to M should only include gross contributions received by the trustee for the member in the year ended 30 June.

The gross contributions must not take into account:

  • amounts credited to accounts but not yet received

  • amounts deducted from the gross contributions after they were received such as allowances for tax, costs and fees.

  • amounts received after 30 June (these must be reported in the following year when the contribution is physically received).

A member benefit transferred to another fund during the terminal medical condition certification period is treated as a personal contribution rather than a rollover by the receiving fund for tax purposes. Refer to Access to super for members with a terminal medical condition (NAT 72437) on the ATO website.

If a member stops contributing and receives their benefits part way through an income year, you need to report the contributions received in the income year.

If the SMSF was wound up during 2017-18 and the member did not roll over all their entitlements to another fund, you must report any contributions received for them during 2017-18 before the date of winding up.

Rollover benefits

Accurately report gross contributions received for every member, ensuring you:

  • include contributions at labels A to N that were made to another super fund in 2017-18 but rolled into the SMSF before the end of 2017-18. The Rollover benefits statement (NAT 72437) that other funds give you with each rollover will help you do this. Only include amounts contributed during the income year and reported at item 15 of the Rollover benefits statement.

  • exclude contributions from labels A to N that you received in the 2017-18 but rolled over to another fund before the end of 2017-18. You report these to that other fund on a Rollover benefits statement at item 15 so that they can report them to the ATO instead.

If you received contributions for a member during 2017-18 and then rolled over any of their balance to another fund, you need to calculate the extent to which those particular contributions must be treated as included in the rollover.
Refer to How to report contributions that you roll over available on ATO website before completing this annual return if these circumstances apply.

The amount of gross contributions to be reported at A to M could be more than the rollover payment physically received from the other superannuation fund. For example, the super fund paying the rollover amount may have deducted allowances for tax and fees, before making the net payment. You nevertheless report the gross amount of contributions at A to M, as these are the contributions physically made for the member to that fund to the extent they are reflected in the amount rolled over. The information necessary for you to do this (details of the gross contributions) is at item 15 in the Rollover benefits statement that accompanied the payment.

Labels O to R

Use labels O to R to make sure all other transactions relating to the individual member during the income year are accounted for so that each member's closing balance shown at label S is accurate. Each closing balance should reflect the member's actual interest in the SMSF so that you can reconcile them against assets and other liabilities of the SMSF in section H.

Labels S1 to S3
S1Accumulation phase account balanceInclude at label S1 the closing account balance of accounts in the accumulation phase.
S2Retirement phase account balance – Non CDBIS(Capped Defined Benefit Income Stream)

Include at label S2 the closing account balance of accounts in the retirement phase, and are:

  • market linked capped defined benefit income streams or
  • other retirement income streams that are not capped defined benefit income streams.

For information refer to Transition to Retirement Income Stream (TRIS) count on the ATO website.

S3Retirement phase account balance – CDBIS(Capped Defined Benefit Income Stream)Include at S3 the closing account balance held in accounts that are in the retirement phase and are capped defined benefit income streams except capped defined benefit income streams that are market linked pensions and annuities. Capped defined benefit income streams are defined in subsection 294-130(1) of the ITAA1997.
TRIS Count

Enter the total number of accounts that are Transition to Retirement Income Stream(TRIS) products that the member has in accumulation phase.

The TRIS is in accumulation phase unless you have reached age 65 or have met another nil cashing restriction condition of release (retirement, permanent incapacity, or terminal medical condition) and notified your SMSF.

For information refer to Transition to Retirement Income Stream (TRIS) count on the ATO website.

Labels X1 and X2
X1Accumulation phase value

The Accumulation phase value is equal to the total amount of superannuation benefits that would be payable if the member voluntarily caused the interest to cease. This value may be less than the value at label S1 as the cost to cease the interest are subtracted from the account balance.

It is now conditional as to whether you provide the June 30 accumulation phase value for each member.

  • You may provide an accumulation phase value if your accumulation phase account balance does not equal your accumulation phase value.
  • You must provide an accumulation phase value where the difference between the accumulation phase value and the accumulation phase account balance is not limited to the value of the administration and exit fees and realisation costs if the member was to voluntarily cease the interest.

If you provide the accumulation phase value at X1, the ATO will use it to work out the total superannuation balance for the member, instead of the value at S1 for that calculation.

X2Retirement phase value

The Retirement phase value is equal to the total amount of the superannuation benefits that would be payable from retirement phase accounts (non-CDBIS only), if the member voluntarily caused the interest to cease. This value may be less than the value at S2 as the costs to cease the interest are subtracted from the account balance.

It is now conditional as to whether you provide for each member their 30 June retirement phase value.

  • You may provide a retirement phase value if your retirement phase account balance does not equal your retirement phase value.
  • You must provide a retirement phase value where the difference between the retirement phase value and the value at label S2 is not limited to the value of the administration and exit fees and realisation costs, if the member was to voluntarily cease the interest.

If you provide the retirement phase value at X2, the ATO will use it to work out the total superannuation balance for the member, instead of the value at S2 for that calculation.

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