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Non-primary Production Income Details

Not available in Accountants Office

This dialog is used for entering information regarding the taxpayer's income from a non-primary production source.

Non-Primary Production Distribution

Partnerships/Trusts: Enter the amount of income that a taxpayer received as a distribution of net non-primary production income from a partnership or trust. The amount in this field corresponds to the Partnerships and Trusts field in an individual tax return form.

Share of ABN Cr: Enter the amount of the tax withheld from the share of net non-primary production income distributed to the taxpayer, from a partnership or trust because the ABN was not quoted.

Share of Franking Cr: Enter the amount of the share of franking credit allowed to a taxpayer for taxes already paid by a trust or partnership, and distributed to a taxpayer by the trust or partnership.

Share of FRW Cr: Enter the amount of the tax withheld from the share of net non-primary production income distributed to the taxpayer, from a partnership or trust because the income was subject to Foreign Resident Withholding requirements.

Share of TFN Cr: Enter the amount of the share of the credit for tax paid as the TFN withholding tax from income that a taxpayer received as a distribution of net non-primary production income from a partnership or trust.

Share of Trustee tax: Enter the share of tax paid by a trustee on behalf of a non-resident beneficiary, presently entitled but under a legal disability.

Share of NRAS tax offset: Enter the NRAS tax offset received or a share of NRAS tax offset distributed from a Partnership or Trust.

TFN withheld from CHT: Enter amount of the Credit for TFN amounts withheld from payments from closely held trusts received as a distribution from a Partnership or from a Trust.

Non-PP Business Income: Enter the amount of net non-primary production income earned from operating a non-primary production business. The amount in this field corresponds to the Net Income or Loss from business item in an individual tax return form.

Business Taxes Withheld: Enter the amount of tax withheld from the net non-primary production business income as detailed on the payment summary.

Non-PP PSI: Enter the amount of personal services income earned.

PSI Taxes Withheld: Enter the amount of taxes withheld from personal services income earned.

Non-PP FRW Income: Enter the amount of net non-primary production business income subject to foreign resident withholding.

FRW tax withheld: Enter the amount of tax withheld from the net non-primary production business income as detailed on the payment summary.

Net small business income: Enter the amount of net small business income from sole trade small business (15A) plus any share of net small business income received from a partnership (13D) or trust (13E).

Deferred Losses: Enter the amount of loss being deferred because of the Non-commercial business loss rules as described at item P9 in the individual return and shown at item 16.

Net Forestry MIS income: Enter any income that the taxpayer is entitled to from a Forestry managed invest scheme interest.

Non-Primary Production Deductions

Prior Year Losses used: Enter the amount of the prior year losses that have been used this year to offset non-primary production business income.

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