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Print Letters

Accountants Enterprise only

This routine enables you to produce letters for contacts on your database. Click Maintenance > Print Letters to open the Letter Writing Options window.

Letter Writing Options

Use layout: At this field, you may nominate the type of letter to be printed. Click [F10] or the ellipsis to open the list of options. Select a letter layout by focusing on the preferred option and clicking [Enter] or Select.


There are four sort sequence options available. These are:

If you select the User defined sequence, the letters print according to the sort sequence you create.

Filter: At this 150 alphanumeric field, you may establish a condition so that letters print only for a specific set of contacts. For example, if you enter the condition D169 EQ 'Doctor', then letters print only for those contacts that have the title of 'Doctor'.

Variables: The purpose of the Variables is to allow you to make temporary changes to letter writing definitions, without having to change the masters letter writing definitions. Click Save to File on the Letter Writing Options window to save temporary changes as a master if required.

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