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Return Search Function

Accountants Enterprise only

If your Return Index shows your full tax ledger you can use the Search option to locate a return by matching against an ABN, a TFN or DIN which you provide.

To show returns for a single client, that is billing entity. Refer to Select Client.

How to run the Search

  1. Click Search.

  2. Tick the checkbox for either ABN, DIN or TFN.

  3. Type the code (or part of it) for the return you wish to locate, and click [Enter].

Returns located

The return with the code which most closely matches the one you have typed will be located and highlighted.

The order of the index is determined on a modified case sensitive basis:

  • numerals then

  • all upper case, then

  • mixed upper and lower case followed by

  • all lower case.

Reversing the order would mean lower case are listed first, then mixed lower and upper, followed by upper then numerals.

Tax file No.: To search for a return by TFN, move to the TFN column in the Select Return index, type the significant digits in the number unformatted (that is, without spaces) and click [Enter].

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