When you have Tax Manager open for a client, you can:
review the client’s Tax Notice details
update the status of the tax notice
preview and print the tax notice
email the tax notice to the client
view any variances between a current tax notice and the values stored in Tax Manager.
For each client, the tax notices that Tax Manager expects you to create for a tax year are automatically created with a status of Draft. When you close the tax notice, the status will be updated from Draft to In Progress.
To prepare a tax notice for a client
Open the tax notice for the relevant client.
Click in the Assigned to field to assign responsibility for this tax notice to an employee.
Review the tax notice information displayed and, if you need to make any alterations and corrections to the data,edit any relevant transactions or tax return information.
Enter the amount of any Voluntary adjustments for this notice.
Enter up to two additional payments in the fields at the bottom of the window. These are defined by the two rows of grey box outlines above the Total due for this notice amount. The information required (from left to right):
description of payment due — Click in the box and enter text to identify the payment.
payment — Click in the box and enter the amount due.
tax type — Select the applicable code from the drop-down list.
date — Enter the date (or select from the pop up calendar) the payment is due.
These payments will be included on the tax notice.
When the information on the tax notice is correct, on the TASKS bar, go to TAX NOTICES > Approve. The tax notice is approved.
If you want to preview the detailed tax notice before you print, on the TASKS bar, go to PREVIEW > Detailed notice.
If you want to preview a summarised notice before you print, on the TASKS bar, go to PREVIEW > Summarised notice.
If you want to print the detailed tax notice, on the TASKS bar, go to PRINT >Detailed notice.
If you want to print a summarised notice, on the TASKS bar, go to PRINT >Summarised notice.
When you have sent the tax notice to the client, so that you know you've sent the tax notice, on the TASKS bar, go to TAX NOTICES > Mark as sent
If any changes are made to the client’s information that affects an approved tax notice, Tax Manager will notify you when you open the tax notice so you can decide if you need to prepare a new tax notice.
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