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Using the student loan interim calculator

The student loan interim calculator allows you to quickly calculate and compare your client’s interim repayment obligation for a given year using the standard and estimation calculation methods.

The information displayed includes:

  • amounts used to calculate the student loan repayment for the applicable calculation method

  • certain fields, identified by a box where you can enter amounts that affect the calculations, e.g., voluntary payments and estimates

  • a list of historical calculations, showing the most recent calculations saved for each calculation method

  • a comment box where you can enter free form comments.

When you open the student loan interim calculator, the latest information for the selected client is displayed. At the top of the window, there are four radio buttons, one for each of the calculation methods:


Standard (2 year prior)

This method calculates the student loan balance to pay based on the residual income tax (RIT) from the year before last.

Standard (1 year prior)

This method calculates the student loan balance to pay based on the RIT from last income year’s tax return.

EstimateThis method ignores prior tax returns and calculates the student loan balance to pay due based on the estimates you enter into the calculator. Enter the date you advised the IRD that you'll be paying an estimate as the Advised IRD on date. If this field isn't set, Tax Manager will assume you haven't notified the IRD that you'll be paying an estimate.
Standard (current year)This method calculates the student loan balance to pay based on the RIT from current income year’s tax return.

In certain cases, a calculation method isn't relevant for the client’s situation and you won't be able to select it. For example, you can't select Standard (2 year prior) if last year’s income tax return has been filed.

By selecting different calculation methods and entering different estimates, you can use the student loan interim calculator to evaluate the student loan balance payable in different scenarios.

To use the student loan interim calculator
  1. Go to any of the following Tax Manager windows:

    • Summary view

    • Transactions view

    • Tax notice details view.

  2. On the TASKS bar, click Student loan interim calculator. The Student Loan Interim Calculator window appears with the most recently saved calculation method selected.

  3. Select from the available radio buttons to see the results of the selected calculation method.

  4. Enter any voluntary amounts or estimates that affect the calculation.

  5. When you have decided which calculation you want to use for this client, ensure that the relevant radio button is selected and click OK. The student loan interim calculator closes and any changes for the selected calculation method are saved to the history table. If you entered an estimate, the estimated amount you entered will be populated into the client’s tax return when you the tax return is next accessed. Other amounts are populated from the tax return.

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