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IR9 Question 20 Tax calculation

Incorporated bodies

Unincorporated bodies

If your organisation is an unincorporated body, calculate the tax on its taxable income using these rates.


Income thresholds

Income tax rates for the 2020 income year

$0 – $14,000


$14,001 – $48,000


$48,001 – $70,000


$70,001 +



Claim any tax deducted from income paid to the organisation in Box 20A, 20C, 20G or 20I as appropriate.

Box 20D Excess imputation credits brought forward

If your organisation is unincorporated and had unused imputation credits in the 2019 return, they were unable to be refunded and must be brought forward and claimed against this year’s tax payable. You can find the amount of excess imputation credits to be brought forward to 2020 in the “Loss/excess imputation credits carried forward” letter Inland Revenue sent you after your 2019 income tax return was assessed.

Print the amount in Box 20D of your return. Add up your total imputation credits from Boxes 20C and 20D and print the total in Box 20E.

Box 20E Imputation credits

If the imputation credits at Box 20E are greater than the amount in Box 20B, the difference can’t be refunded.

If the organisation is an incorporated body, the excess imputation credits must be converted to a loss and carried forward. To do this, divide the difference between Boxes 20B and 20E by 0.28. Inland Revenue will send you a letter confirming the amount of net loss carried forward to the 2021 return.

If the organisation is an unincorporated body, the difference between Boxes 20B and 20E must be carried forward to the 2021 return and credited against the tax liability. Inland Revenue will send you a letter confirming the amount of excess imputation credits carried forward.

Box 20GG Residential land withholding tax (RLWT) credit

If the organisation is an “offshore RLWT person” and has sold or transferred residential property located in New Zealand, RLWT may have been deducted from the sale price. The organisation should have received a statement on the completion of the sale process showing the amount of RLWT deducted. The organisation can claim a credit for any RLWT deducted. Show the amount of RLWT deducted, less any RLWT paid back to the organisation and/or transferred to outstanding amounts during the income year.

If there was more than one amount of RLWT deducted, show the combined amount, less any RLWT paid back to the organisation and/or transferred to outstanding amounts during the income year.

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