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Customising practice templates

Accountants Enterprise only

Practice templates are master templates that have been customised for your practice.

One way to customise practice templates is to insert additional fields that are required by your practice.

We recommend that any additional fields that are inserted are included as part of a data entry table or text display table.

When customising a practice template by using a formula or function, ensure that you refer to any field names exactly. You must match the characters and the case sensitivity of the field names. For example, d1 is different to D1.

To insert a new field in a practice template
  1. Open the practice template for editing. See Opening a practice template for editing.
  2. Position the mouse cursor in the practice template where the new field is to be inserted.

    A new data entry table may need to be inserted for the additional data. See Inserting a data entry table.

  3. Click Insert Field on the toolbar.
    Select Insert > Field on the main menu.
    The Insert Field window opens.
  4. Select the field type to be inserted.
    The first tab contains the list of standard fields used in Workpaper templates.
    The second tab Other components contains functionality that is specific to individual templates, such as Assets - GL reconciliation.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Configure the field type.
  7. Click OK. The selected field type is placed at the insertion point.
  8. Format the field type as necessary.

    Double click a field in a workpaper to launch the specific field window so that you can make further edits.

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