MYOB BankLink Practice: Linking BankLink Practice to MYOB Ledger
MYOB BankLinkhas been shut down
To continue receiving bank feeds, move to an MYOB Business solution. Find out how to move.
If you’vegiven a client access to their file so they can download historical data, they need to install MYOB BankLink Books (available from theMYOB product downloads page).
After you've migrated to MYOB Ledger, you're ready to link your MYOB BankLink Practice clients to MYOB Ledger. You'll need to link each BankLink client to each migrated ledger.
To link MYOB Ledger to BankLink Practice
In BankLink Practice, double click a client file.
Go to Other Functions> Maintain Accounting System.
In the System Used drop-down list, select whether you use MYOB AE Ledger or MYOB AO Ledger.
Click Set up Integration.
Click Next.
Select a client to link to BankLink Practice.
Click Next. The tax codes that are available in the ledger are displayed.
Click Next. All available GST Class ID codes that will be available to use in BankLink Practice after linking to MYOB Ledger are displayed. Any codes that are currently being used in BankLink Practice that can be mapped are changed to match the MYOB Ledger IDs.
Take a screenshot of the codes. It may be handy to refer to them later if you need to fix invalid GST classes.
Click Next. The BankLink Practice client is linked to the MYOB Ledger client.
Click Close.
Some things to check
After linking to MYOB Ledger and before moving on to the data extraction stage, there are a couple of things to check.
Fix any invalid GST Classes
If you previously used GST Class IDs that aren't supported in MYOB Ledger, before you can extract data to MYOB Ledger, update any accounts, transactions, memorisations and payees in BankLink Practice that use incompatible GST Class IDs.
Identifying invalid IDs
Red processing indicators on the Home page indicate whether there are invalid IDs assigned to transactions.
To fix invalid GST Classes
Click the red months. The Code Entries window appears.
To filter the Code Entries window to only show uncoded transactions, click the View button in the toolbar and select Uncoded Entries Only.
To update transactions, refer to the screenshot you took of the GST Class ID codes when linking MYOB Ledger to BankLink and either:
Click each uncoded entry and change the GST Class to one that works with MYOB Ledger or
To update multiple transactions:
Go to Other Functions > Chart of Accounts > Maintain Chart of Accounts.
Open an account that has an invalid ID assigned to it, highlighted yellow.
Change the GST Class to one that works with MYOB Ledger.
Any transactions that were allocated to the account with the changed ID are updated to the new ID, and IDs on related memorisations and payees are updated.
Check your GST and BAS setup
Because the GST Classes might have been updated after integrating with MYOB Ledger, check your GST and BAS setup in BankLink Practice to ensure the updated IDs are applied correctly.
The List GST Details report tells you whether you have anything to fix in your GST setup.
To check and fix your GST and BAS setup
Go to Reports > Listings > List GST Details.
Review the List GST Details report to see if there are any changes in your GST setup to update.
If you need to update your settings, go to Other Functions > GST Setup.
To update the list of GST Classes, click the Rates tab and update the settings.
To set up activity statement fields, click the BAS Fields tab and update the settings.
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