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Adding details to a new file note

How to add details to a new file note
  1. If the new File Note is still open after you have created it, go to Step 5.
    If the File Note is not open, open the client or contact’s Documents tab to list the client/contact’s documents in the table.
    If the File Note is not listed in the table, find the File Note using one of the following methods:
    • Enter text in the Text field and click Search.

    • Enter the reference number in the Reference No. field and click Search.

    • Select a likely date for the File Note from the Display documents from drop-down to list all of the clients’/contacts’ documents from that date.

  2. Double-click the File Note in the table. The File Note page opens. Make any required changes to the Subject by adding to or overtyping the existing text.
  3. If a different Author is required, click the ellipse button and use the Find Employees window to find and select the author. A new note item for this file note has been created.
  4. If you want to link other documents to the file note, click the ellipse button in the Linked item cell of the table. See Linking items to file notes for more details.
  5. Press the [Tab] key or place your cursor in the edit field below the formatting toolbar and enter your content.
  6. Use the formatting toolbar to apply any formatting to the note content. These options work in the same way as other Windows software.
    The following options are available:
    • Change fonts, font size and/or font colour

    • Add bold/italic/underlining

    • Align left/centre/right

    • Create a bulleted list

    • Undo/redo

    • Print.

  • Click OK.
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