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Adding the Document Manager icon to your system tray

The Document Manager icon is usually added to all workstation system trays during Document Manager installation. If it is not installed, individual users can add it to their workstations later.

How to add the Document Manager icon to the system tray
  1. Click StartProgramsMYOB > Document Manager Shortcuts.

  2. Drag Document Manager Shortcuts to your system tray.
    The Document Manager icon

    appears in your system tray.

How to set the Document Manager icon to appear in the workstation system tray at start up
  1. Open Windows Explorer and browse to the location where Document Manager is installed. This is usually C:\Program Files\MYOB\Knowledge Management\Document Manager.
  2. Locate the file KMSysTray.exe.
  3. Right-click and select Create Shortcut.
  4. Move the new shortcut to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup. The Document Manager icon
    appears in the system tray for all users of the workstation when Document Manager is restarted.















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