General search rules
The following general search rules apply when searching for documents in Document Manager:
To match an exact phrase, enter the text in quotes, for example, “rental property”.
To match any of the words in a string, regardless of their order in the document, enter the text without quotes: for example, rental property. This is the same as entering rental OR property.
To match both the words of an entered string (but not as an exact phrase), enter the text separated by the keyword AND. For example, rental AND property.
If only one word is entered and neither quotes or wildcards are used, the system will append the wildcard automatically. For example, if you enter the text rent and click Search, a search will be triggered for rent*.
Indexing in Document Manager
The following general indexing rules apply in Document Manager:
Every field or word is stored in the index in lower case.
The following common English words are not indexed: a, an, and, are, as, at, be, but, by, for, if, in, into, is, it, no, not, of, on, or, such, that, the, their, then, there, these, they, this, to, was, will, with.
If a field name contains more than one word, it is stored as one word with the space replaced by an underscore, for example, work_type.
The basic searchable fields are:
Advanced search rules
The following advanced search rules apply in Document Manager:
Keywords include OR, AND, NOT, TO.
A colon indicates that a specific field is to be searched: for example, ref:101_*.
The keyword, AND, can be replaced by the plus (+) sign: for example, rental AND property is the same as rental + property.
The keyword, NOT, can be replaced by the minus (-) sign: for example, title:rental - contents:property. This means that rental is part of the title field and property is not part of the contents field.
Date searches are also possible using the format yyyymmdd.
For example:
datecreated:20131231 searches documents that were created on the last day of the year 2013.
datecreated:[20131201 TO 201312331] searches documents that were created in the last month of the year 2013.
datecreated:{20131130 TO 20130101} searches documents that were created in the last month of the year 2013. The {} brackets mean that the stated dates are non-inclusive.
The character, ~, has 2 special meanings:
Used to search for a similar word. For example, java~ could return results on lava.
Used with double quotes to determine the position distance between words. For example, “rental property”~5 is for rental and property within five positions of one another.