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Tasks bar

The Document Manager Tasks bar is displayed on the Find Documents page, Analyse Documents page and the Documents tabs.

There are four major areas on the Tasks bar, each of which contains a number of options. Many of the options open their own specific wizard to guide you through the process. The available options on the Tasks bar change when you move to a different page in the MYOB application.

Common Tasks bar buttons

The common buttons are located at the top of the Tasks bar.


On some pages, these buttons may be greyed out. This means that the button is not applicable for that page.





Export to Excel

To export the search results as data for a new worksheet in Microsoft Excel.



To refresh the display in the content area. The Refresh button will also reset the status of any document appearing to be checked out when they are actually not.



To preview and print the information displayed in the content area. For example, the list of search results on the Find Clients page.

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