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Encryption settings

PDF Manager can apply three different levels of encryption to your PDF documents:


This option is selected by default and the documents are not encrypted. You cannot set any of the other options on this screen if None is selected.

High (128-bit RC4 — Acrobat 5.0 and later)

If you set the Encryption level to High, all the following permission options are selected by default. You may deselect or change them, as necessary.


Permission option


Allow change

Enables the user to edit a PDF document.

 Allow filling in form fields

Enables commenting, filling in form fields and extracting pages when reviewing the PDF document.

Allow notes

Enables the user to add comments to a PDF document.

 Allow assembly

Enables the user to insert, rotate, delete pages and create bookmarks in a PDF document.

 Allow copy

Enables text, images and other contents in the PDF document to be copied.

 Allow copy for accessibility

Enables screen readers for the visually impaired to read the PDF document's contents.

Allow printing

Enables the PDF document to be printed by any version of Acrobat application, to any printer and PDF creation software.

High resolution

Default selection.

Low resolution

Enables the PDF document to be printed in DRAFT format and restricts printing to a PDF creation program such as PDF Manager to create a new PDF file.


Low (40-bit RC4 — Acrobat 3.0 and later)

If you set the Encryption level to Low, the following permission options are enabled.


Permission option


Allow change

Enables the user to edit a PDF document.

Allow notes

Enables the user to add comments to a PDF document.

Allow copy

Enables text, images and other contents in the PDF document to be copied.

Allow printing

Enables the PDF document to be printed by any version of Acrobat application, to any printer and PDF creation software.

High resolution

Default selection.


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