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General options

The general options view enables you set the quality of the PDF preview and whether you want to automatically generate a preview when documents are printed, imported or dragged into PDF Manager.

General options

Preview images settings

If the Automatically generate a preview image of each page in the new PDF checkbox is not selected, each new page imported, printed or dragged to PDF Manager appears as a placeholder in the PDF Preview Bar. This saves time as no preview is generated. The placeholder appears as a thumbnail that reads No preview has been generated for this page.

If the Automatically generate a preview image of each page in the new PDF checkbox is selected each new page imported, printed or dragged to the PDF Manager appears as a preview of the page in the PDF Preview Bar. This takes longer because a preview of the pages is generated.

Recycle Bin settings

The Recycle Bin is a temporary repository for documents after the PDF has been saved with your practice management application.

If the Move documents to the PDF Manager Recycle Bin after saving checkbox is selected, PDF Manager will move the document to the Recycle Bin after it has been saved with your practice management application. If you need to make changes to the document (such as moving, removing or adding pages) you can recover the document from the Recycle Bin and use it again.

You can select how long documents stay in the Recycle Bin (from 1 day up to 99 days) before they are removed permanently from PDF Manager.

PDF preview quality

We recommend that you set the quality of the PDF preview to 1 — Lowest to increase performance. Setting the PDF preview quality to a higher setting can reduce performance.

Higher settings only improve the preview of the pages in the PDF Preview Bar. They do not increase final PDF quality, which is adjusted using the Scan options.

To set the General options
  1. Select Tools > Options from the main menu. The Options window opens.
  2. Click the General button. The General options open.
  3. Change any settings as required, referring to:
  • Preview images settings

  • Recycle Bin settings

  • PDF preview quality.

  • Click OK to save your changes.




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