The main PDF Manager page contains 3 tabbed views:
Source Documents tab
The Source Documents tab lists all documents that have been printed, imported or dragged into PDF Manager. The documents are listed in alphabetical order.
If a document is imported or dragged into PDF Manager, it displays as [document title] ([created date]). For example, Budget (20/03/2017 8:00:24pm).
If the document is printed using the MYOB PDF Manager printer, it displays as [print job name] ([printed date]). For example, Microsoft Word-Budget.doc (20/02/2017 8:00:24pm).
The Source Documents tab provides the following functionality:
expand or collapse documents by clicking the Expand Button or Collapse Buttone.
double-click a page to view it in your PDF viewer.
click and drag pages onto the PDFPreview Bar to add them to the PDF.
deselect the Selected checkbox against a page to remove it from the PDF.
select the Selected checkbox against a page to add it to the PDF.
The right-click menu on the Source Documents tab allows you to:
Deselect a page.
Select a page.
Select all pages in the current document. This can also be done from the Edit menu.
Deselect all pages in the current document. This can also be done from the Edit menu.
View selected page in external viewer. You can also view a page in an external viewer using the PDF Preview Bar.
View selected document in external viewer.
Collapse all documents.
Expand all documents.
Delete document. This can also be done from the Edit menu.
If you want to select or deselect all documents in the Source Documents tab, use the Edit menu or select the Manager Tasks component.
PDF Preview Bar
The PDFPreview Bar displays the pages of the PDF. The selected page can be moved up or down, deleted and a preview image of the selected page or all pages can be created.
If pages have been printed, imported or dragged into PDF Manager as placeholders, a preview image of those pages can be generated. The placeholder appears as a thumbnail reading No preview has been generated for this page.
To change how a document previews when it is added to PDF Manager, select Tools > Options > General.
Document Mark Up tab
The Document Mark Up tab enables comments, notes, images and other annotations to be added to a document.
Bookmarks can be created from this tab. You can search through the comments already marked on the document.
Recycle Bin tab
The Recycle Bin is a temporary repository for documents after they have been saved to PDF with your practice management software application or have been deleted from the Source Documents tab.
You can select how long a document remains in the recycle bin from the General options window.
Four actions are available from the Recycle Bin Tasks:
delete the selected document.
empty all documents listed in the Recycle Bin.
restore the selected document to the Source Documents tab.
preview the selected document in your PDF viewer (for example, Adobe Reader).
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