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Adding, editing and deleting currencies

Accountants Enterprise with Practice Manager only

To add and edit currency options open the Currencies page by clicking Maintenance > Currency > Currencies.


To add a new currency
  1. Select MaintenanceCurrency > Currencies on the main menu or Maintenance > Maintenance MapCurrency > Currencies. The Currencies page opens.

  2. In the first blank row of the table enter:

    • Currency Code (GBP for British Pound, JPY for Japanese Yen, USD for US Dollars).

    • The currency Symbol (£ for British Pound, YEN for Japanese Yen, US$ for US Dollars).

    • The description (British Pounds, Japanese Yen, US Dollars).

    • Number of decimal places required.

    • Reporting Currency — generally the currency used for the practice’s reporting requirements.

      There can be only one selected Reporting Currency. A warning message is displayed if multiple reporting currencies are selected.

  3. Click OK to save the information and close the Currencies page.

To edit an existing currency
  1. Select MaintenanceCurrency > Currencies on the main menu or Maintenance > Maintenance MapCurrency > Currencies. The Currencies page opens.

  2. Edit the currency details as required.

  3. Click OK to save the information and close the Currencies page.

To delete an existing currency
  1. Select MaintenanceCurrency > Currencies on the main menu or Maintenance > Maintenance MapCurrency > Currencies. The Currencies page opens.

  2. Select the currency to be deleted.

  3. Press [Delete]. A Confirm Currency Deletion message is displayed.

  4. Click Yes.

  5. Click OK to save the information and close the Currencies page.

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