Adding, editing and deleting currencies
Accountants Enterprise with Practice Manager only
To add and edit currency options open the Currencies page by clicking Maintenance > Currency > Currencies.
To add a new currency
Select Maintenance > Currency > Currencies on the main menu or Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Currency > Currencies. The Currencies page opens.
In the first blank row of the table enter:
Currency Code (GBP for British Pound, JPY for Japanese Yen, USD for US Dollars).
The currency Symbol (£ for British Pound, YEN for Japanese Yen, US$ for US Dollars).
The description (British Pounds, Japanese Yen, US Dollars).
Number of decimal places required.
Reporting Currency — generally the currency used for the practice’s reporting requirements.
There can be only one selected Reporting Currency. A warning message is displayed if multiple reporting currencies are selected.
Click OK to save the information and close the Currencies page.
To edit an existing currency
Select Maintenance > Currency > Currencies on the main menu or Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Currency > Currencies. The Currencies page opens.
Edit the currency details as required.
Click OK to save the information and close the Currencies page.
To delete an existing currency
Select Maintenance > Currency > Currencies on the main menu or Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Currency > Currencies. The Currencies page opens.
Select the currency to be deleted.
Press [Delete]. A Confirm Currency Deletion message is displayed.
Click Yes.
Click OK to save the information and close the Currencies page.