All employees who enter timesheets have a standard charge rate. These charge rates are used to calculate the billable amount for a client.
An employee can have additional charge rates for consulting, charitable work as well as bookkeeping for example. The actual dollar amount attached to these charge rates is defined on an employee by employee basis. The Charge Rate Types are defined and maintained by your system administrator.
(AE) You can also use special rates to allocate non-standard rates to specific assignments. This is done on the Assignment Details page > Rates tab.
An employee’s charge rates can be changed at any time. Editing a rate in this tab, however, will not update timesheet entries that have already been created and awaiting posting.
(AO) Before you change the hourly rate for an employee, you should first enter an End Date for the old rate. You can then enter a new hourly rate and a new start date. This maintains a record of previous rates for the employee.
To add an employee’s charge rate
Find and open the employee. The Employee page opens on the Main tab by default.
Click the Charge Rates tab.
(AO) Enter an End Date for the old charge rate, if required. Enter the date in the format dd/mm/yyyy or select it from the drop-down calendar.
Click the first blank cell in the Start Date column.
Enter the date when this charge rate will start. Enter the date in the format dd/mm/yyyy or select it from the drop-down calendar.
Click the first empty cell in the End Date column.
Enter the date when this charge rate will end. Enter the date in the format dd/mm/yyyy or select it from the drop-down calendar.
Click the first empty cell in the Charge Rate Type column.
Select a Charge Rate Type from the drop-down.
Enter the employee’s Hourly Rate for the selected Charge Rate.
Record any additional information about the employee’s charge rates in the (AE) Notes / (AO) Charge Rates Notes section. The usual notes formatting options are available.
Click OK to save and close the Employee page.
To allow the selection of additional charge rates in the timesheet window
In Practice Manager, under Contacts, select Open > Employee. The Find Employee window opens.
Remove the tick from the Hide form when only one item found checkbox at the bottom of the screen.
Search for the employee and once higlighted, select System settings from the TASKS bar. The Timesheet User Settings screen appears.
Select the option Allow Selection of Employee Charge Rates and click OK.
To apply the setting, fully exit and log back in to Practice Manager. The C/R field will now be available once the employee logs back in to AE/AO.
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