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AE Tax Toolbox options

Accountants Enterprise only

AE Tax Classic or Profiles clients may create views in graph and table (or grid) form for lodgment and other workflow statistical reports extracted from the Tax database.

There is also a Tax Returns tab for each client which provides access to any year of tax from 2005 to the current year and also provides a summary of certain Lodgment and Assessment information applicable to the income year selected.

The following Toolbox options are used to display AE Tax functions on your homepage:

Adding the Company Funds option

Drag Company Funds from the AE Tax Toolbox to your homepage to create rolling 12 month data graphs.

Adding the Returns Due by Month Graph option

Drag Returns Due by Month Graph from the AE Tax Toolbox to your homepage to add a returns due by month graph.

This bar graph provides a monthly summary of when returns are due for lodgment and shows which of these returns have already been lodged.

Pointing the mouse at the lodged (green) part of any column will provide you with the number of returns that make up the lodged returns for that month. Pointing the mouse at the unlodged (red) part of any column will provide you with the number of returns that make up the unlodged returns for that month.

Right-clicking opens a menu of different criteria for the graph.

Clicking a column drills down and opens a table of returns constituting the month’s lodged or unlodged returns.

When in a table, column headings may be dragged and dropped to a different position.

Right-click to Print the contents or some of the contents of the table.

All rows are hyperlinked and a single click opens the selected return.

Adding the Returns Due For Lodgment option

Drag Returns Due for Lodgment from the AE Tax Toolbox to your homepage to add a returns due for lodgment table.

This table lists the tax returns that are due within the selected tax year. All rows are hyperlinked and a single click will open a particular return.

Adding the Workflow by employee option

Drag Workflow by employee from the AE Tax Toolbox to your homepage to add a workflow by employee table.

This table provides a summary of lodged returns to date against the total overdue for the selected year, grouped by employee.

Clicking the Employee name in the table or anywhere in the row will collect all the returns making up that total and deposit them in the Return List tab. The Return List tab is automatically opened for you to view or print the list. You can also select a client or return and click to open it.

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