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Aged debt bands

Practice Manager only

Aged Debt Bands (for MYOB AE, see Aged Debt Toolbox option) are used to classify overdue or outstanding invoices based on age.

Use the Maintenance > Maintenance Map (AO) > User defined > Aged Debt Bands page to set up the start and end days for the bands that aged debts fall within. This page must have six bands defined at all times. The defaults are defined when the system is installed.


To edit aged debt bands
  1. Select MaintenanceUser defined > Aged Debt Bands on the main menu (AE) or MaintenanceMaintenance MapUser defined > Aged Debt Bands. The Aged Debt Bands page opens displaying a table that lists the bands in the first column and the start and end days for the bands in the second and third columns.Note that the Band field is a display field and cannot be edited.

    Text in the Start Day column cannot be edited. To edit the Start Day of a band, you need to change the End Day of the previous band.

  2. Click a band’s End Day column to edit it, if required. The Start Day of the next band updates accordingly.

  3. Click OK to save the changes and close the Aged Debt Bands page.

To change aged debt bands to 14 days

The aged debt bands control both the WIP and debtors. You can decide to change the bands to display 14 day bands in your debtors statements and aged debtors. If you change the debt bands they must be changed back after running your aged debtors and debtor statements to the default 30 days.

  1. Select MaintenanceUser defined > Aged Debt Bands on the main menu (AE) or MaintenanceMaintenance MapUser defined > Aged Debt Bands. The Aged Debt Bands page opens displaying a table that lists the bands in the first column and the start and end days for the bands in the second and third columns.

    The Band field is a display field and cannot be edited.

  2. Change the End Day of the first band to 14. This will, in turn, change your statements to display invoices that are up to 14 days old, including other overdue invoices.

    If you want the Aged Debtors Report to reflect a full 14 days of ageing, you must change all age debt bands to reflect this.

  3. Run your reports.

  4. Change the debtors bands back to 30 days. This is the standard age debt band.

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