(AE) Select the Company from the drop-down to which the receipt is to be paid. Once a company is selected, the Account and Source fields are automatically filled with the company’s details. If required, they can be changed by selecting a different option from the respective drop-downs.
(AO) The Company, Account and Source details will be automatically filled. If required, they can be changed by selecting a different option from the respective drop-downs.
Enter the Date of the receipt. Enter the date in the format dd/mm/yyyy or select it from the drop-down calendar. The default date is the current date.
Enter the Receipt Number.
Enter a Description for the receipt.
Enter the Amount being paid.
Select the Style of the receipt for printing.
Click one bill or bill item row from the Ledger table, that part payment should be allocated against.
You can drill down to allocate the receipt against an item within the bill if required. Click the [+] beside the required bill in the Ledgertable. The sub-items open, showing the breakdown of Time and Disbursements or Miscellaneous or Estimate to Complete charges that make up the selected bills. Keep clicking the [+] beside each level until you reach the desired sub-item. You can access bills at the individual employee level from the Ledger table.
Enter the amount that is allocated to this bill in the Allocate column.
Click Post. This will update the Ledger. The amount is allocated to the bill and the receipt is entered in the table. A Posting confirmation message is displayed.
You must Post the allocation before moving on to another allocation or task.
Click Yes. To continue the posting. The receipt is successfully posted and the updated figures are shown on the Debtors Ledger in Receipt mode.
Click No to cancel and return to the Debtors Ledger in Receipt mode.
Repeat step 8 to step 11 until the UnAllocated field shows a zero amount. The payment has been allocated to all bills.
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