You can authorise and post your invoices using Bookkeeping > Creditors > Creditors Invoice.
You can also authorise and post invoices from Supplier pages.
To authorise and post an invoice
Select Bookkeeping > Creditors > Creditors Invoice on the main menu. The Creditors Invoice window opens.
Select the Company from the drop-down.
Find and open the supplier. See Finding and opening suppliers. The Find Supplier window closes and the selected supplier is displayed in the Supplier field of the Creditors Invoice window. The Code field is automatically filled with the supplier code.
Click Ledger. The Payments window opens by default.
Select the Ledger option. The Payments window changes to the Ledger window. The Ledger window lists all the invoices (both posted and draft) for the selected supplier.
Double-click the invoice you want to approve. The Purchase Invoice window opens for the selected invoice.
Click Authorise
Click OK to confirm and close the message window.
Click Post to post the invoice. A message confirms that the invoice was successfully posted.
Click Close.
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