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Bill sequencing

Accountants Enterprise with Practice Manager only

The Bill Sequencing page is used to add and maintain the bill sequences required by your practice.

Where you have multiple companies that issue bills i.e., the accounting practice as well as for a wealth management / financial planning business, you may need to set up Bill Sequencing so that you use separate number sequences for bills issued by each of these companies.

The following must be created before they can be assigned to the bill sequence:

  • Companies (in MaintenanceInternal > Companies) — see Companies

  • Offices (in MaintenanceInternal > Offices) — see Offices

  • Departments (in MaintenanceInternal > Departments) — see Departments

  • Partners (in MaintenanceInternal > Partners) — see Partners

Your database must also have configuration keys added to the database for Bill Sequencing to work.

To set up a new bill sequence
  1. Select Maintenance Maintenance Map > Miscellaneous > Bill Sequencing on the main menu. The Bill Sequencing page opens.

  2. Select the Bill Sequence Type you would like to set up. If you are changing to a different Bill Sequence Type, a message will be displayed to confirm the change.

  3. Click Yes to continue or No to cancel.

    Changing the Bill Sequence Type will delete all current sequences.

  4. On the first blank row at the top of the table, select the Subscriber from the drop-down.

  5. Select the Company for the bill sequence from the drop-down.

    Companies must first be created in MaintenanceMaintenance MapInternal > Companies.

  6. Select the Department, Office and/or Partner from the drop-downs.

    Departments, Offices and Partners must first be created in Maintenance > Maintenance MapInternal > Departments/Offices/Partners.

  7. Enter the start of the range of the bill sequence in the Range Start column.

  8. Enter the end of the range of the bill sequence in the Range End column.

  9. Press [Enter] to add more Bill Sequences.

  10. Click the Unique Bill Number checkbox, if you want the Bill Sequence numbers to be unique.

  11. Deselect the Unique Bill Sequence checkbox, if you do not want the bill sequence ranges to overlap.

  12. Click OK to save the changes and close the Bill Sequencing page.

To delete a bill sequence
  1. Select MaintenanceMiscellaneous > Bill Sequencing on the main menu or Maintenance > Maintenance MapMiscellaneous > Bill Sequencing. The Bill Sequencing page opens.

  2. Select the row containing the sequence you want to delete.

  3. Click

    to highlight the entire row.

  4. Press [Delete].

  5. Repeat steps 2 - 3 to delete other sequences.

  6. Click OK to save the changes and close the Bill Sequencing page.

To add configuration keys for Bill Sequencing by Company
  1. Go to Maintenance > Maintenance Map > User Defined > Configuration and add/edit configuration keys as follows:

    Key Name

    Key Value





    Enter the BillSequenceType value, for example, Company, Office, Department or Partner that is relevant for your practice.

  2. Exit out of AE PM and log in again for these changes to take effect.

    The Key Name and Key Value entered are case sensitive and must be entered as advised. The Key Name is generally entered without spaces unless specified.

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