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Bills tab

Practice Manager only

The Bills tab is available on the:

  • (AE) Assignment Details page

  • Client page.

The Bills tab provides details of draft bills together with a full billing history of bills created for the selected client or (AE) assignment. All bills for the client, whether they have been created at an (AE) assignment level or client level, are displayed in the Client page > Bills tab.

Any draft bills created for the assignment or client can be accessed from here. Double-click a draft bill in the list to open the Billing Main page for the bill from where you can complete the billing process.

Once a bill has been posted it is displayed in the Full Billing History section. The Full Billing History section displays the assignment’s or client’s previous invoices. From here you can view previous bills.

(AE) You can also use previous invoices as a template for standing orders. Standing orders are template bills which are configured to be generated for particular clients (including automatic posting) at a pre-defined frequency.

Create bills by selecting Billing wizard on the Tasks bar. This task is available when the Client page or (AE) Assignment Details page is displayed. In MYOB AE, note that the page selected will determine whether the bill is raised at the client or assignment level.

Bills tab buttons





Produces a Draft Internal Bill Report of the selected bill, displayed in the Print Preview window. This report displays the relevant billed WIP entries.


(AE only)

Opens the Create New Standing Orders Template window where you can use an existing bill to create estimated repeat bill entries. For example, you could stipulate that a particular bill was required on a specific frequency (i.e., daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly). If you want to create a standing order based on a bill created at the assignment level, you need to create the standing order from the Assignment Details page > Bills tab.


Used to partially or fully reverse an invoice.

You need to have the correct level of security to reverse bills.

Click the Preview Bill button to display the invoice in Microsoft Word.

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