Accountants Enterprise with Practice Manager, AE Tax Series 6 & 8 only
There are circumstances in Accountants Enterprise (AE) Practice Manager where you may need to change a return type for a client.
This can occur when a client type changes or has been incorrectly created, for example a company is now a partnership.
To allow you to create a return of the required type you need to change the return type on the client in AE.
The Return Type is displayed in AE Practice Manager on the Extras tab for clients. Return Type is one of the few data fields that is set by creating a Tax return, and it integrates from AE Tax to AE PM, and not the other way around. This Return Type extra field is not editable in AE PM.
AE Practice Manager has only 2 client types:
Person; or
An individual can only have an individual return type, whereas an organisation can be a Company, Partnership, Trust, and so on.
If the return type on a client's tax return is incorrect, you can change it using the following methods:
If you have just created the client in AE PM and the wrong return type was selected, you can delete the return, change the client to a contact, delete the contact and then recreate it with the correct return type.
Edit the Return Type attribute from the Old Contacts interface accessed from a client's tax return.
How do I delete a tax return and convert a contact to a client?
In AE Practice Manager, open the client’s page and click Convert to Contact in the Tasks bar.
Click the Delete Contact link in the Tasks bar and confirm Yes to delete the contact. The contact is deleted.
Once completed, recreate the client with the correct Contact Type, then recreate the Tax return selecting the correct return type.
Clients cannot be deleted in AE Practice Manager if any WIP or debtor transactions have been posted to the client. If no transactions have been posted to the client, delete any assignments, convert the client to a contact then delete the contact following the steps below.
How do I edit the Return Type attribute from the Old Contacts interface?
Delete any currently created tax return for the problem client.
Open an AE Tax return for any client.
From the Preparation menu, select Contact Profile. The Old Contacts interface opens.
Search for and double-click on the required client. The client page opens.
Click the Attributes tab. The Attributes appear.
Change the Return Type attribute to be the required value, then press [Tab] past this field. The change is saved.
Close the client page, the old Contacts interface, and the AE Tax return. The applications are closed.
Open the relevant client page in AE Practice Manager, and create a new AE Tax return. It should now create a return with the correct return type.
The return type on the Client Page > Extras tab will be updated to show the correct return type once the new tax return has been created, but sometimes it takes a little while to integrate through from AE Tax.
In addition, the Contacts interface should only be accessed by Administrator users for administrative purposes. It should not be used for general data entry, which must be done from AE Practice Manager.
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