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Charge rate type

Practice Manager only

Charge rates are the rates at which clients are charged for work. Charge rates are applied to employee categories, so the actual cost to the client for an employee’s time is automatically calculated from the amounts entered for each rate by the specific employee. That is, time x employees charge rate = billable WIP.

The system contains a default Standard charge rate type, but you may have multiple rates available (e.g., discount rates or premium rates). When time is entered you select either the standard rate or another available rate. You can also use special rates to allocate non–standard rates to specific assignments (AE) / jobs (AO).

The available charge rate types for an employee can be selected when time is entered for work done.

To set up a new charge rate type
  1. Select MaintenanceEmployee > Charge Rate Type on the main menu (AE) or Maintenance > Maintenance MapEmployee > Charge Rate Type. The Maintenance — Charge Rate Type page opens.

  2. Enter the new charge rate in the Description column of the first blank row at the top of the table. The Description field is limited to a maximum of 100 alphanumeric characters. There is no limit on the number of charge rate types you can create.

  3. Press [Enter] to add more Charge Rate Types.

  4. Click an existing charge rate type and edit the text if necessary. The default type is Standard, which is defined when the system is installed.

  5. Click OK to save the changes and close the Maintenance — Charge Rate Type page.

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