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Client - Family Groups

Accountants Office only

Family groups can be used to group together related clients and/or contacts for reporting purposes. Family Groups are a label that enables you select members to include in a consolidated report or mail-out.

Family Groups may consist of individuals, companies, trusts or other organisations. For example, Mrs Lee, Mr Lee, Lee’s Supermarket Pty Ltd, A. A. Lee Superannuation and the A. A. Lee Family Trust might constitute the Lee Family Group.

Once a Family Group has been defined in the Maintenance area, you can assign it to a client on their Client page or a contact on their Contact page.

For examples of Family Groups, see Practice Manager Family Groups.pdf.

To define a family group
  1. Select MaintenanceMaintenance MapClient > Family Groups. The Maintenance — Family Groups page opens displaying a table of Family Groups. The first row of the table is blank.

  2. Enter the name of the new Family Group in the first blank row at the top of the table.

  3. Press [Enter]. The Family Group is defined and added to the table. The new Family Group is now available to assign to clients and contacts.

  4. Click OK to save the information and close the Maintenance — Family Groups page.

To edit a family group
  1. Select MaintenanceMaintenance MapClient > Family Groups. The Maintenance — Family Groups page opens.

  2. Select the Family Group you want to edit.

  3. Overtype existing text with your changes.

  4. Press [Enter]. All clients and contacts using this Family Group will be updated to show the edited Family Group.

  5. Click OK to save the changes and close the Maintenance — Family Groups page.

If you have any Client or Contact pages open that belong to the Family Group you are editing, you will need to click Refresh on the Tasks bar to refresh the display to reflect the updated details.

To delete a family group

You cannot delete Family Groups that are being used by the system. If you try to delete a Family Group that has clients and/or contacts assigned to it, an error message is displayed.

  1. Select MaintenanceMaintenance MapClient > Family Groups. The Maintenance — Family Groups page opens.

  2. Select the row containing the Family Group you want to delete. Click

    to highlight the entire row.

  3. Press [Delete]. The Confirm Delete message is displayed.

  4. Click Yes.

  5. Click OK to save the changes and close the Maintenance — Family Groups page.

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