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Code types

A Task Code is allocated to every task.

A number of default Task Codes are contained in the software but you can add more to suit your practice. Each task is represented by a short code in the system that represents a short name and description of the task. The task codes are used to define the allocation, completion, budgeting, milestones, time and expenses and reporting requirements of tasks involved with client assignments (AE) / jobs (AO).

Your system administrator usually adds task codes to the system.


To create a task code
  1.  Select MaintenanceMiscellaneous > Code Types on the main menu (AE) or Maintenance > Maintenance MapMiscellaneous > Code Types. The Code Types page opens.
  2. Click the

     beside the Code Type you want to add the new task code to, in order to expand the list.

  3. Enter a Code for the new task in the first blank row at the top of the table.

  4. Enter a Short Name and Description for the new task.

  5. Enter a Unit description (e.g., hours or days) for the new task.

    Take care when entering or editing this field — the Unit is a global classification used throughout the system.

  6. Enter a Markup for the new task. This amount is displayed as a currency.

    Take care when entering or editing this field — the Markup is a global classification used throughout the system.

  7. Enter the Cost Per Unit and Charge Per Unit for the new task. These fields are only available when the code group Disbursements is selected. Enter the cost per unit for the disbursement code type. When this disbursement is entered in a Disbursement sheet, the charge for the client is automatically calculated based on these figures.

  8. Select a Tax Rate from the drop-down for the new task. The tax rate is displayed as a decimal containing four digits plus a description.

  9. Enter a CRM Type and Availability for the new task. Each activity is assigned to a CRM type. There are five available in the system.

  10. Press [Enter] to add more Code Types.

  11. Click the Para button beside the amended Code Type. The Code Master Paragraphs window opens.

  12. Select the Name of a default paragraph that you want to associate with the task and which will be displayed on the client’s bill.

  13. Click

     to move the selected paragraph from the Name panel to the Selected panel.

  14. Click OK to save and close the Code Master Paragraphs window.

  15. Click OK.To save and close the Code Types page.

To create a nominal code (AE only)

After you've have created a Task Code, you may need to add a Nominal Account. This will depend on whether you have default nominal codes set up.

  1. In AE PM, follow the menu path: Maintenance > Ledger Maintenance > Nominal Codes.
  2. In the Nominal Code Defaults tab, if the Nominal Account Codes have been set up, no further steps are required. Your new Task Code is ready for use.
    If  Nominal Account Codes have not been set up, or you have multiple companies set up, continue on to Step 3.
  3. Click Data Entry Codes Available for Company tab. 
  4. From the Company dropdown, select the company name. 
  5. From the Code Type dropdown, select the relevant code type.  For example Time for Timesheet. The list is then restricted to Timesheet task codes.
  6. For the relevant task code,click the Nominal column.
  7. Select the relevant nominal code from the dropdown and click Close.

    Setting up nominal defaults via Maintenance > Ledger Maintenance > Nominal Codes allows you to setup new codes without having to manually enter nominal codes.  Refer Nominal Code Defaults tab
Setting up To Do items (AE only)

The To Do items are set up in the Time section of Maintenance > Miscellaneous > Code Types using the following options in the Availability drop-down:

  • Timesheets — the task code will only be available in timesheets. You cannot use this task to create a To Do item.

  • CRM — a To Do item will be created which will only be available as a To Do in the Tasks bar for clients, contacts, suppliers and assignments.

  • Both — the task will be available both in timesheets and as a To Do item.

If you mark the task as either CRM or Both, the task will be available for use in the To Do section of the Tasks bar.

After setting an item as CRM or Both, set up the task type.

You can link the following activities to the To Do items:




You can use this link to create an appointment inside Microsoft Outlook. The appointment is created with today’s date.


Link a document to the To Do item.

Use the file navigation window to locate the document you want to create the To Do item for.


You can use the link to create an email for the selected client, contact or supplier with their primary email address added automatically to the email’s To… field.

Phone Call

No activities are linked to a phone call task as yet.


No activities are linked to a task as yet.

To remove old task codes

If you have old Task Codes that are no longer required, you can disable these codes so that they are no longer visible in timesheet data entry. To do this, you need to remove the Timesheets selection from the CRM Type/Availability column.

Task codes that have been used for data entry cannot be deleted.

  1. Click MaintenanceMaintenance MapMiscellaneous > Code Types. The Code Types window appears.

  2. Click [+] for the relevant group. For example, select Time for Timesheet. The list of codes for the group appears.

  3. Locate the code type you do not want to appear in the timesheet.

  4. Under the CRM Type/Availability column, click into the field displaying Timesheets and press Delete. The Timesheets selection is removed.

  5. Click OK to save the changes.

Do not remove the nominal code from the Task Code in Maintenance > Ledger Maintenance > Nominal Codes > Data Entry Codes Available for Company. If this code is removed, you will experience errors when posting any bills that includes time against that task code.

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