The Rich Text Spell Checker enables you to spell check text entries as they are entered. The Spell Checker is enabled by default and highlights spelling errors with a red underline.
If spelling errors are not highlighted, consult your system administrator as the Rich Text Spell Checker configuration key may have been disabled.
Double-click a note on the Main tab. The Note page opens.
Right-click the word underlined in red to display a list of suggested corrections.
Select the correct spelling of the word.
If a suggested spelling is not listed, it means that there are no recognised alternatives in the spell checker dictionary. The word remains underlined in red.
If the spelling is correct you can:
Add this word to the dictionary by right-clicking and selecting Add, or
Ignore the word (thus removing the underline) by selecting Ignore from the options.
Click OK. The note is saved and you are returned to the Main tab where the edited note is listed.
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