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Currency rates

Accountants Enterprise with Practice Manager only

To add or edit currency rates open the Currency Rates page by selecting MaintenanceCurrency > Currency Rates.


To add a new currency rate
  1. Select MaintenanceCurrency > Currency Rates on the main menu or Maintenance > Maintenance MapCurrency > Currency Rates. The Currency Rates page opens.

  2. In the first blank row of the table enter the:

    • Unit — generally 1 (one), to represent the base currency.

    • From Currency — the code of the base currency.

    • Exchange Rate — the conversion rate in decimals.

    • To Currency — the currency you are converting to.

    • Date — when the exchange rate becomes effective.

  3. Click OK to save the information and close the Currency Rates page.

To edit a currency rate
  1. Select MaintenanceCurrency > Currency Rates on the main menu or Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Currency > Currency Rates. The Currency Rates page opens.

  2. Edit the currency rate.

  3. Click OK to save the information and close the Currency Rates page.

To delete a currency rate
  1. Select MaintenanceCurrency > Currency Rates on the main menu or Maintenance > Maintenance MapCurrency > Currency Rates. The Currency Rates page opens.

  2. Select the currency rate row to be deleted.

  3. Press [Delete]. A Confirm Currency Rate Deletion message is displayed.

  4. Click OK to save the information and close the Currency Rates page.

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